FluentD v2.0
Installation Procedure
docker compose up -d
pip install fluent-logger
from fluent import sender
from fluent import event
Function to call and Insert Record in to FluentD
#Error Log for fluent
@app.route('/ApplicationErrorLog', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def ApplicationErrorLog():
req_data = request.get_json()
serrortype = req_data['serrortype']
sprogram = req_data['sprogram']
sfnname = req_data['sfnname']
smsg = req_data['smsg']
sAppicationName = req_data['sAppicationName']
if(DBKEY == "PROD"):
sender.setup(sAppicationName, host='', port=24224)
event.Event('PROD', {
'error_Type': serrortype,
'program': sprogram,
'function name': sfnname,
'error message': smsg
return "PROD"
sender.setup(sAppicationName, host='', port=24224)
event.Event('DEVL', {
'error_Type': serrortype,
'program': sprogram,
'function name': sfnname,
'error message': smsg
return "DEVL"
except :
#raise werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException("Error: %s" % str("ERROR") )
errmsg = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + ' Line: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno)
return errmsg
docker build -t fluentdapp:latest .
docker run -it -d -p5015:5015 --name name_flientd fluentdapp –restart always
SNo. | Fields | Remarks |
1 | serrortype | INFO , WARNNING , ERROR |
2 | sprogram | (*) Program Name of application for example FileName of the code that we have written |
3 | sfnname | Function Name that is causing the event ( Optional ) |
4 | smsg | Error Message |
5 | sAppicationName | (*) Application name - Example LMS., JOURNEY etc |
Scope of the project.
- Run the EFK using docker compose.
- Run the middle ware and make sure it connects with EFK
- Create Sample Index in elastic search.
- Integrate Copy LE and Delete LE functionality with EFK.
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