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FluentD v2.0

Installation Procedure


docker compose up -d


pip install fluent-logger
from fluent import sender
from fluent import event

Function to call and Insert Record in to FluentD

#Error Log for fluent
@app.route('/ApplicationErrorLog', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def ApplicationErrorLog():

		req_data = request.get_json() 
		serrortype = req_data['serrortype']
		sprogram = req_data['sprogram']
		sfnname = req_data['sfnname']
		smsg = req_data['smsg']
		sAppicationName = req_data['sAppicationName']
		if(DBKEY == "PROD"):
			sender.setup(sAppicationName, host='', port=24224)
			event.Event('PROD', {
			'error_Type': serrortype,
			'program': sprogram,
			'function name':  sfnname,
			'error message': smsg
			return "PROD"
			sender.setup(sAppicationName, host='', port=24224)
			event.Event('DEVL', {
			'error_Type': serrortype,
			'program': sprogram,
			'function name': sfnname,
			'error message': smsg
			return "DEVL"
	except :
		#raise werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException("Error: %s" % str("ERROR") ) 
		errmsg = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + ' Line: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno)
		return errmsg

docker build -t fluentdapp:latest .
docker run -it -d -p5015:5015 --name name_flientd  fluentdapp –restart always


SNo. Fields Remarks
1 serrortype INFO , WARNNING , ERROR
2 sprogram (*) Program Name of application for example FileName of the code that we have written
3 sfnname Function Name that is causing the event  ( Optional )
4 smsg Error Message 
5 sAppicationName (*) Application name - Example LMS., JOURNEY etc

Scope of the project.
  1. Run the EFK using docker compose.
  2. Run the middle ware and make sure it connects with EFK
  3. Create Sample Index in elastic search.
  4. Integrate Copy LE and Delete LE functionality with EFK.