Dockers & Devops
Installation of Nginx on Ubuntu
Introduction Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is responsible for ho...
Nginx with Let's Encrypt
Introduction In this tutorial we will discuss about installing certbot on ubuntu to install Let'...
Flask Docker Image
Introduction Please note use lowercase for all the folder names. In my case I have created a fol...
Reverse Proxy For Window Server
To do reserve proxy for window server we need to do the following steps. Create a website, in ...
Introduction On this method we have created a Node on the stage or production server where we ne...
Jenkins-Adding Ubuntu Agent
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/jenkin-service sudo chown admin /usr/local/jenkin-service cd /usr/...
Jenkins-As Window Agent
The easiest way to set up Jenkins node (slave) as a service is to use Direct Do...